Monday, March 29, 2010


So tonight was nothing earth shattering. My wife came up to spend some time with me. I have done nothing but eat and sleep. I feel like a blimp. Like the food isn't being digested. I hope that tomorrow I will feel better about that.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I started this blog(like many other things)gung ho about doing it daily or weekly and it has almost turned into monthly. My attention span when it comes to stuff like this is very short. I have made a promise to myself to write on here everyday, even if I have nothing to say about CF or transplant.

Today is my 5Th day in the hospital for this crazy lung pain I was having. I though my lung was collapsed as has happened before. Turns out it wasn't collapsed but infected. So after managing my pain(Morphine) the infection is now under attack with several IV meds. So things are going smooth as of now. I hope to go home on IVs on Monday. That would be great because for some reason I really feel angry to be here right now. I think it was because it wasn't really a "planned" trip to the hospital. Planned meaning I wasn't really feeling sick. So this pain really came out of nowhere and kicked my ass a little. I will do what I need to do as usual but I am not happy about it.

It also happens to be my nefew's first birthday party today. Happy birthday Tucker! I hope to be able to travel to MI next weekend for Easter and see him along with the rest of the family. It has been more than a year since I have been up there so it would be nice.